New Page 3
Recezent: Ilir Gjipali
Redaktor: Bardhyl Xhama
Pėrkthimi nė anglisht: Orjona Shegaj
Redaktimi nė anglisht: Oliver Gilkes
Disenjo: Ilir Zaloshnja
Fotografe: Nermin Mėrtiraj
Punoi nė kompiuter: Silvana Mullai
Lindita Skėnderi
Faqosje: Eni......
© Autori
Reviewer: Ilir Gjipali
Editor: Bardhyl Xhama
Translation in English: Orjona Shegaj
Editing in English: Oliver Gilkes
Design: Ilir Zaloshnja
Photographer: Nermin Mėrtiraj
Computer Design and Typing: Silvana Mullai
Lindita Skėnderi
Pagemaker: Eni......
© Author
dhe gdhendjet shkėmbore ruajnė kujtimet e shoqėrive prehistorike nė tė njėjtėn
mėnyrė si katedralet dhe muzetė arkeologjikė ruajnė dėshmitė pėr shoqėrinė
“The rock painting and inscriptions maintain the memories of prehistoric
societies in the same way as the cathedrals and archeological museums maintain
the evidences for the urban societies.”
Lista e ilustrimeve
List of illustrations
Harta e Shqipėrisė dhe vendodhja e pikturave.
Map of Albania and the location of the rock paintings.
2a. Faqja e shkėmbit ku ėshtė bėrė piktura e Trenit.
The rock faēade where is depicted the Treni rock
2b. N. Ceka, M. Kallfa etj, duke pare pikturėn e Trenit
nė vitin 1966.
N. Ceka, M. Kallfa etc, seeing the Treni rock painting in
3. Vizatimi i pikturės sė Lepenicės, i bėrė nga S. Zahaj nė vitin 1971.
The drawing of Lepenica rock painting made by S. Zahaj in 1971.
Kopje tė pikturės sė Lepenicės e tė Trenit (Muzeu Historik Kombėtar).
Copies of the Lepenica and Treni rock paintings (National Historical Museum).
M. Korkuti nė Reē, 1983.
M. Korkuti in Reē, in 1983.
A. Bunguri gjatė punės pėr dokumentimin e pikturės sė Vlashnjes.
A. Bunguri during the documentation of the Vlashnje rock painting.
Pamje e faqes sė malit tė Lepenicės.
View of the Lepenica mountainside.
Pamje e strehės sė shpellės sė Lepenicės.
View of the Lepenica Cave shelter.
Lepenicė. Skicė e foto e katėr figurave antropomorfe.
Lepenicė. Drawing and photo of four anthropomorphic figures.
Lepenicė. Foto e skicė e njė figure antropomorfe.
Lepenicė. Photo and drawing of an anthropomorphic figure.
Lepenicė. Njė grup figurash antropomorfe.
Lepenicė. A group of anthropomorphic figures.
(a,b) Lepenicė. Figura tė ērregullta gjeometrike.
Lepenicė. Irregular geometric figures.
Lepenicė. Figurat antropomorfe.
Lepenicė. Anthropomorphic figures.
Pamje e luginės sė lumit tė Prizrenit.
View of the Prizreni River valley.
Pamja e masivit shkėmbor ku ndodhet piktura e Vlashnjes.
View of the rock where is depicted the Vlashnje rock painting.
Faqja e shkėmbit ku ėshtė bėrė piktura e Vlashnjes.
View of the rock side where is drawn the Vlashnje rock painting.
Pamje e tavanit me spiralet.
View of the top with the spirals.
Pamje e spirales dyshe tė bėrė nė tavan.
View of the double spiral depicted on the top.
Pamje e njė spiraleje.
View of a spiral.
Foto e vizatim i figurės sė drerit.
Photo and drawing of the deer figure.
Pamje e qytetit tė Rubikut.
View of the town of Rubik.
Pamje e shkėmbit ku ndodhet piktura e Rubikut.
View of the rock where is depicted the painting of Rubik.
Rubik. Vizatimi i pjesės A tė pikturės.
Rubik. The drawing of the side A of the rock painting.
Rubik. Vizatimi i pjesės B tė pikturės.
Rubik. The drawing of the side B of the rock painting.
Rubik. Foto e vizatime tė figurave gjeometrike.
Rubik. Photo and drawings of the geometric figures.
M. Korkuti duke pare pikturėn e Rubikut.
M. Korkuti seeing the Rubik rock painting.
Pamje e luginės sė lumit Malla.
View of the Malla River valley.
Pamje sė largu e shkėmbit ku ėshtė bėrė vizatimi i Reēit.
Distant view of the rock where is depicted the Reē rock painting.
Reē. Pamje e pjesės qėndrore tė inēizimit. Reē.
View of the central part of the incision.
Reē. Pamje e detajeve tė inēizimit.
Reē.View of the incision detail.
Reē. Skicė e inēizimeve tė pjesės C.
Reē. View of the side C incisions.
Reē. Foto tė inēizimeve tė pjesės B.
Reē. Photo of the side B incisions.
Pamje sė largu e shkėmbit ku ndodhet vizatimi i Xibrit.
Distant view of the rock where is depicted the Xibri rock painting.
Xibėr. Pamje e shkėmbit ku ėshtė bėrė vizatimi. Xibėr.
View of the rock where is depicted the drawing.
Xibėr. Pamje e njė pjese tė vizatimit. Xibėr.
View of one part of the drawing.
Xibėr. Foto tė motiveve tė inēizuara.
Xibėr. Photos of the incised motives.
Xibėr. Foto tė motiveve tė inēizuara.
Xibėr. Photos of the incised motives.
Xibėr. Skicė e vizatimeve (inēizimeve).
Xibėr. View
of the drawings (incisions).
Xibėr. Njė grup nxėnėsish pasi u njohėn me pėmbajtjen e vlerėn e vizatimit
tė Xibrit.
Xibėr. A group of students after they were informed with
the content and value of the Xibri rock painting.
Pamje e kanionit tė Bovillės.
View of Bovilla canyon.
Pamje e shkėmbit ku ėshtė bėrė piktura e Bovillės.
View of the rock where is depicted the Bovilla rock painting.
Bovillė. Skicė e pjesės A tė pikturės.
Bovillė. Drawing of side A of the painting.
Bovillė. Foto e skice e pjesės A3 tė piktures.
Bovillė. Photo and drawing of the side A3 of the rock painting.
Detaj i njė motivi kryesor.
Bovillė. Detail of a principal motif.
Bovillė. M. Korkuti dhe I. Zaloshnja gjatė punės pėr kopjimin e pikturės.
Bovillė. M. Korkuti and I. Zaloshnja during the rock painting copying.
Tren. Pamje e shkėmbit ku ėshtė bėrė piktura e Trenit.
Tren. View of the rock where is depicted the Tren rock painting.
Tren. Foto e plotė e pikturės.
Tren. A full view of the rock painting.
Tren. Foto e pjesshme e pikturės.
Tren. A partial view of the rock painting.
Tren. Foto e kalorėsit dhe qenit.
Tren. Photo of the horseman and the dog.
Tren. Skicė e drerit dhe qenit.
Tren. Drawing of the deer and the dog.
Tren. Pamje e liqenit tė Prespės sė Vogėl nga vendodhja e pictures.
View of the Prespa e Vogėl lake from the rock painting site.
Pozicion dominues nė zonėn pėrreth.
In dominant position over the area.
Shkėmbinj gjeologjikisht shumė tė vjetėr.
On geologically very old rocks.
Motive qė simbolizojnė kultin e diellit.
Motives symbolizing the cult of the sun.
Figura tė ērregullta gjeometrike.
Iregular geometric figures.
Pėr pikturim ėshtė pėrdorur ngjyra e kuqe dhe e bardhė.
The colours used for the painting are the red and the white.
Piktura shkėmbore e Lipcit.
The rock painting of Lipci.
Piktura shkėmbore e Zlijebit.
The rock painting of Zlijebi.
Figura antropomorfe nga Lepenica, Rubiku, Reēi, Zlijebi, Tsogari,
Valcamonica e Branca.
Anthropomorphic figures from Lepenica, Rubik, Reē,
Zlijeb, Tsogar, Valcamonica and Branca.
Figura tė ērregullta gjeometrike nga Valtellina, Zlijebi e Lipci.
Iregular geometric figures from Valtellina, Zlijeb and Lipc.
Vendodhja e pikturave shkėmbore nė Ballkanin Perėndimor.
The location of the rock paintings in the Western Balkans.
Tabela I. Piktura e Lepenicės.
Table I. The painting of Lepenica.
Tabela II. Piktura e Vlashnjes.
Table II. The painting of Vlashnje.
Tabela III.
Piktura e Rubikut.
Table III. The painting of Rubik.
Tabela IV. Vizatimi i Reēit.
Table IV. The rock painting of Reē.
Tabela V. Vizatimi i Xibrit.
Table V. The rock painting of Xibėr.
Tabela VI. Piktura e Bovillės.
Table VI. The painting of Bovilla.
Tabela VII. Piktura e Trenit.
Table VII.
The painting of Tren.
Table of contents
Piktura e Lepenicės
The painting of Lepenica
Piktura e Vlashnjes
The painting of Vlashnje
Piktura e Rubikut
The painting of Rubik
Vizatimi i Reēit
The rock painting of Reē
Vizatimi i Xibrit
The rock painting of Xibėr
Piktura e Bovillės
The painting of Bovilla
Piktura e Trenit
The painting of Tren
Lista e ilustrimeve
List of illustrations