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Muzafer Korkuti
Current position
Prof. Dr. of Historic Sciences
Specialist of Prehistory and Prehistoric Archaeology of Albania
Director of the Albanian Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences
1967-1975 Director of the Department of Archaeology in
the Institute of History
1982-1990 Director of the Albanian Institute of
Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences
1998-2006 Director of the Albanian Institute of
Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences
Editor in chief of “ILIRIA”, Review published by the Institute of
Archaeology (last volume XXXI, ILIRIA, 1-2, 2003-2004).
Chief Editor of the first number of the review published in 1971 and of all
the proceeding numbers.
Lectures of “Archaeology of Albania” held in Tirana University from 1967 to
Office address
Institute of Archaeology, Sheshi “Nėnė Tereza”, Tirana/Albania
Tel & Fax: 00355 4 2240712
Phone home: 00355 4 2227984
Mobile: 00355 69 22 03560
E-mail home:
Personal Data
Born in 17.05.1936 in Saranda, Albania (17.05.2006 the 70th
Education and other experiences
1962 - The University of Tirana, History-Philology
1986 - Member of the Permanent Committee of World Pre and Protohistoric Sciences
1986 - Correspondent Member of German Institute of
1988 - Included in “Who’s Who” publication
Doctoral Dissertation
1978 - “Neolithic and Copper Age in Albania” (450 pages,
180 plates), Tirana
1998 - Professor of Historic Sciences
I. Publications in Albania
Parailirėt, Ilirėt, Arbėrit-Histori e shkurtėr
(Preillyrians, Illyrians, Arbėrs-A short history), Tirana, 2003, 125 p., 24
University texts
(Archeology), Tirana, 1972, 332 p., (Co-author).
Historia e Popullit Shqiptar
(History of Albanian people), publication of the Academy of Science in four
volumes. Author: Illyrians the communal primitive order,
vol. 1, Tirana, 2002, 48 p.; redactor of the first volume and member of the
leader group of the four volumes.
(Archeology), Tirana, 1993, 429 p., 301 figs., (Co-author).
Articles and papers published in periodicals: “Studime Historike”, “Iliria”,
“Studia Albanica”, etc.
Varreza e Gajtanit (The necropolis of Gajtan), “Studime Historike”, 1967,
3, p. 159-171.
Aleksandėr Stipēevič, Ilirėt (Alexander Stipēevič, the Illyrians),
Prishtina, 1967, “Studime Historike”, 1968, 4, p. 201-206.
Problemi ilir dhe i gjenezės sė shqipėtarėve nė dritėn e kėrkimeve arkeologjike
shqiptare (The Illyrian problem and that of the Albanian genesis in the light of
the Albanian archeological researches), “Studime Historike”, 1969, 1,
p. 27-61.
Piktura e Trenit (The picture of Tren), “Studime Historike”, 1969, 2,
p. 127-132.
Qeramika e pikturuar e kohės sė vonė tė bronzit dhe e kohės sė hershme tė
hekurit dhe karakteri ilir i bartėsve tė saj (The painted pottery of the Late
Bronze Age and of the Early Iron Age and the Illyrian character of its bearers),
“Studime Historike”, 1969, 3, p. 159-171.
Marrėdhėniet kulturore Iliro-Egjeane nė epokėn e bronzit tė vonė dhe mbijetesa e
disa objekteve tė tipit miken nė epokėn e hekurit (The Illyrian-Aegean cultural
relations in the Late Bronze Age and the survival of various objects of Mycenean
type in the Iron Age), “Studia Albanica”, 1970, 2, p. 43-59.
Vendbanimi prehistorik i Trenit (The prehistoric settlement of Tren), “Iliria”
I, 1971, p. 7-11.
Shqipėria vendi i njė kulture tė lashtė (Albania – the place of an ancient
culture), “Shqipėria Arkeologjike”, 1971, p. 5-11.
Vendbanimi neolitik i Dunavecit (The Neolithic settlement of Dunavec), “Buletini
Arkeologjik”, 1971, p. 211-227.
Vendbanimi i Dunavecit (The settlement of Dunavec), “Iliria” III, 1974,
p. 383-387.
Rreth formimit tė etnosit ilir (Concerning the Illyrian ethnic formation), “Studime
Historike”, 1972, 3, p. 57-77.
Rreth vendbanimeve tė fortifikuara ilire tė periudhės sė parė tė hekurit nė
territorin e Shqipėrisė (Concerning the Illyrian fortified settlements of Iron
Age in the Albanian territory), “Studia Albanica”, 1973, 2, p.
Stacioni i Neolitit tė mesėm nė Cakran tė Fierit (The middle Neolithic phase in
Cakran of Fier), “Iliria” III, 1974, p. 45-101.
Mbi rezultatet e gėrmimeve tė vitit 1973 nė vendbanimin neolitik tė Dunavecit
(About the results of excavatios of the year 1973 in the Neolithic dweling of
Dunavec), “Iliria” III, 1974, p. 383-387.
Raport mbi rezultatet e gėrmimeve tė vitit 1973 nė Dunavec (Report concerning
the results of excavations of the year 1973 in Dunavec), “Buletini
Arkeologjik”, 1974, 4, p. 1-13.
Rreth formimit tė etnosit ilir (About the formation of the Illyrian ethnos), “Kuvendi
i Parė i Studimeve Ilire”, 1974, p. 67-84.
Stacioni prehistorik i Vashtėmisė (The prehistoric site of Vashtėmi), “Buletini
Arkeologjik”, 1975, 5, p. 4-10.
La peinture rupestre de Lepenicė (Vlorė), "Studia Albanica", 1979, 2,
p. 183-195.
Vendbanimi prehistorik i Kolshit (The prehistoric dwelling of Kolsh), “Iliria”
VII-VIII, 1977-1978, p. 239-248.
Vendbanime tė fortifikuara tė Labiatisė (Fortified settlements of Labiata), “Buletini
i Shkodrės”, 2, 1979, p. 121-130.
Stacioni prehistorik i Vlushės dhe rėndėsia e zbulimit tė tij (The prehistoric
site of Vlusha and the importance of its discovery), “Buletini i Skraparit”,
1980, p. 24-29.
Tuma e Patosit (The tumulus of Patos), “Iliria” 1981, 1, p. 7-55.
Mbi disa probleme lidhur me etnogjenezėn e ilirėve (Problems concerning the
Illyrian ethno-genesis), “Iliria” 1982, 1, p. 157-190.
Vashtėmia, njė vendbanim i Neolitit tė hershėm (Vashtėmia, an Early Neolithic
settlement), “Iliria” 1982, 2, p. 91-146.
Gjetje tė reja tė Paleolitit tė mesėm nga stacioni i Xarės-Sarandė (New finds of
the Middle Paleolithic period from Xara-Saranda), “Iliria” 1983, 1,
p. 39-49.
Vendbanimi neolitik i Kolshit (The Neolithic settlement of Kolsh), “Iliria”
1983, 2, p. 11-75.
Gėrmime tė vitit 1983-shpella e Bėnjės (Excavation of the year 1983 – the cave
of Bėnja), “Iliria” 1983, 2, p. 245-247.
Piktura shkėmbore e Lepenicės (La peinture rupestre de Lepenica), "Iliria"
1984, 1, p. 5-14.
Marrėdhėniet midis dy brigjeve tė Adriatikut jugor nė kohėn e bronzit dhe tė
hekurit (The relations between the two coasts of the Adriatic during the Bronze
and Iron Age), “Iliria 1985”, 1, p. 93-109.
Probleme etno-kulturore tė epokės sė eneolitit nė Shqipėri (Ethnocultural
problems of the Eneolithic period in Albania), “Iliria” 1985, 2,
p. 43-82.
Gėrmime arkeologjike tė vitit 1986 nė Katundas (The archeological excavations of
the year 1986 in Katundas), “Iliria” 1986, 2, p. 151-152.
25 vjet kėrkime pėr neolitin dhe eneolitin nė Shqipėri, 1961-1986 (25 years of
research on the Neolithic and Eneolithic in Albania, 1961-1986), “Iliria”,
1987, 2, p. 5-12.
Blagoje Govedarica - Rano bronzano doba na podrucju istocnog Jadrana, Sarajevo
1989 (review), “Iliria”, 1989, 1, p. 253-256.
Ēėshtje themelore tė prehistorisė nė Shqipėri (Main issues concerning the
prehistory in Albania), “Iliria” 1989, 2, p. 15-29.
Gėrmime arkeologjike tė vitit 1989, Konispol-Sarandė (The archeological
excavations of the year 1989, Konispol-Saranda), “Iliria” 1989, 2,
p. 260-262.
Njė kushtim i epokės sė bronzit nė Ēukė-Sarandė (A dedication of Bronze Age in
Ēukė-Saranda), “Iliria” 1990, 1, p. 75-83.
Paleoliti nė Shqipėri (The Paleolithic in Albania), “Iliria” 1995, 1-2,
p. 5-15.
Kultura e epokės sė bronzit nė vendbanimin e Cetushit (The Bronze Age
civilization in the settlement of Cetush), “Iliria” 1996, 1-2, p.
Shpella e Konispolit-Raport paraprak mbi gėrmimet 1992-1994 (The Conispol cave-A
Preliminary Report on Excavation 1992-1994), “Iliria” 1996, 1-2,
p. 183-224, (Co-author).
50 vjet arkeologji shqiptare (Half Century Albanian Archaeology), “Iliria”,
1998, 1-2, p. 19-48.
Projekti arkeologjik i rajonit tė Mallakastrės: sezoni i parė, 1998 (The
Mallakastra Regional Archaeological Project: First Season, 1998), “Iliria”
1998, 1-2, p. 253-274, (Co-author).
The Hinterlands of Apolonia, “Iliria” 2002-2003, 1-2, p. 305-322,
Vendbanimet e fortifikuara paraqytetare nė bregdetin e Jonit (The fortified
preurban dwellings in Jon coast), “Himara nė shekuj”, 2004, p. 25-40.
Zbulime tė reja arkeologjike (New archeological discoveries), “Studia
Albanica”, 2, 2005, p. 135-245.
Vlera arkeologjike nė veprėn e Shuflait (The archeological value of Sufflay’s
work), “Candavia”, 2,
2005, p. 417-432.
II. Publications abroad
Neolithikum und Kalkolithikum in Albanien,
Mainz, 1995, 273 S., 207 taf.
University texts
Pour une grande histoire des Balkans des origins aux guerres balkaniques,
publication of A.I.E.S.E.E, Paris 2004, 296 p., (co-author of the Illyrian
Articles and papers
Le pitture rupestri di Treni (Albania), “Bolletino del centri comuni di studi
preistorici”, v. 4, Breschia 1968, pp. 89-93.
Rapport sur les fouilles archeologiques effectuées durant les annes 1965-1966 en
Albanie, “Bulletin d’archeologie sud est Europčene”, Bucarest 1969, p.
Fouilles archeologiques en Albanie dans l’intervalle 1967-1969, “Bulletin
d’archeologie sud est Europčene”, Bucarest 1971, p. 11-35.
Les rapports de civilization illyro-égéens a l’age du bronze et la survivance de
certains objets de type mycénien a l’age du fer, “ACTES du IIe
Cong. Int Sud-est Europen”, Athenes 1972, T. II, p. 109-120.
De l’Illyrie d’hier a l’Albanie d’Aujourd’hui, “Le Courier Unesco”, 1974,
p. 4-12.
Alcune caratteristiche degli abitati protourbani nell’Iliria meridionale,
“Centar za Balkanološka ispitivanja”, Knjiga 6, Zagreb 1976, pp. 131-135.
Un sguardo sui rapporti fra le cultura neolitice di Cakran e di Velca con le
limitrofe culture, in “CIVILTA preistoriche e protostoriche della DAUNIA”,
Firence 1975, pp. 158-162.
Die Siedlungen der spaten Bronze und der fruhen Einsenzeit in Sudwest Albanien,
“Sudosteuropa zwischen 1600 und 1000 VCHR”, Berlin 1982, S. 235-253.
New date about the middle and late paleolithic in Albania, “Anthropos”
10, Athens 1983, p. 499-508.
Geschite und Kultur Albaniens in vorgeschicht seherzeit, “Antike Welt”
1983, S. 3-11.
I rapporti fra le due coste dell’Adriatico meridionale nell’eta del bronzo e del
fero, “Estrato da Magna Grecia, Epiro e Macedonia” Napoli 1985, pp.
Decouvrir l’archeologie Albanaiese, “Dosierrs Archeologie”, Paris 1986,
p. 6-19.
Illyrien in der Vorgeschichte, Katalog “Albanien Schätze aus dem Landen der
Skipetaren”, Mainz 1988, S. 7-31.
Aspects de la culture eneolithique en Albanie, “Die kupferzeit als
historische Epoche” Bonn 1991, S. 247-258.
Protezione e conservazione dei monumenti archeologici, “EVTOPIA” 1992,
1-2, pp. 103-109.
Forme e strutture insediative neo ed eneolitico in Albania, “Mem. Museo Civ
st.Nat.”, Verona 1995, pp. 99-105.
Archaeology in Albania, “American Journal of Archaeology”, 1993, vol. 97,
p. 703-743.
Die Frśhe stafe des mittleren neolithikum in Albanien, “Anatolica”,
XIX, Istambul 1993, S. 75-84.
Electrical resistivity surveys as indicators of site potential: example from a
rockshelter in southern France and a cave southern Albanian, “Geoarchaeology”,
nŗ. 8, p. 217-227.
Radiaocarbon and archaeomagnetic dates from Konispol Cave, Albania, “Antiquity”,
v. 68, nr. 259, 1994, p. 335-339.
Il mesolitico in Albania, “XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and
protohistoric Sciences”, USPP, Forli 1995, pp. 195-184.
Upper Paleolithic age in Albania, UISPP, XIII Congres UISPP, Forli 1996,
p. 73-76.
Paleoclimate Characterization and Intre-site Correlation Using Magnetic
Susceptibility Measurements: an example from Konispol Cave, Albania, “Journal
of Field Archaeology”, Vol.23, Number 3, Fall. 1996, p. 263-271.
Kosova nė vėshtrimin historiko-arkeologjik, (Kosovo in the Historical &
Archaeological Prospective) “Atdheu”, New York 1995, p. 53-57.
Il neolitico e l’eneolitico Albanese, “Fonti di informacione e contesto
archeologico”, Lecce 1999, pp.115-119.
Epoka neolitike dhe epoka e bronzit, (Neolithic & Bronze Age) “The Balkans in
Prehistory”, Athens 2001, p. 115-123.
En Überblick über die Wohnsiedlungen des Neolithikums und Chalkolithikums im
Korēa-Becken, Lux Orientis, 2001, S. 257-267.
New directions in Albanien Archeology, “Minerva”,
vol. 14, nr. 2, p. 24, march/aprile 2003.
Premessa “PHOINIKE I”, Firenze 2002, pp. 9-12.
Dhimosten Budina una vita dedicata all’antica Caonia, “Phoinike III”,
Bologna 2003-2004, in press.
Researches and Studies of Prehistory of Albania, “Recent research in the
Prehistory of the Balkans”, Thessalonike 2003, p. 205-257.
Die illyriche kultur vom 11 bis 6 Albanien. “Die Illyrer”,
Asparn (Viena) 2004, S. 3-20.
Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica “TRECCANI”, Roma, (8 voices)
The Early Neolithic of Albania in a Balkan prespective, “Quaderni della
Societa per la Preistoria della Regione”, Fruili-Venezia Giulia,
Quad.11.2005, in press.
Early Bronze Age: Milutin Garašanin s’important work and the research of
Albanian Archaeology, “A la mémoire de Milutin Garašanin”, Beograd 2006,
in press.
III. Lectures held at Universities and Institutes abroad
Full time course on Archaeology, at the University of Prishtina (Kosovo),
Various lectures regarding issues on Albanian History and Archaeology at:
Dipartimento di Scienze dell’ Antichitą, Univeristą degli Studi di Lecce,
(Italy), 1984 and 1990.
Centre de Recherches Protohistoriques, Université de Paris I, Sorbonne (France),
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy), 1990.
Institut fur ur-und Fruhgeschichte der Universitet Berlin (Germany), 1991 and
Université de Paris I, Sorbonne (France), 1995.
University of Texas, Arlington-Texas (USA), 1996.
University of Cincinnati, Ohaio (USA), 1996.
Universitą di Lecce (Italy), 1998.
Universitą di Bari (Italy), 1998.
University of Berlin (Institute of Prehistory) (Germany), 1998.
University of Ioannina (Greece), 1998.
The Ionian University of Corfu (Greece), 1999.
The Greek Society of Archaeologists, Athens (Greece), 2001.
University of Cincinnati, Ohaio (USA), 2001.
Universitą degli Studi di Bologna (Italy), 2001 and 2004.
University of Viena (Austria), 2002.
University of Jerusalem (Israel), 2005.
IV. Projects
Co-director of the “Conispoli Cave” Project, the Institute of
Archaeology, Tirana and the University of Texas-Arlington, USA, Co–director
Prof. Karl Petruso.
1998-2003 Co–director of the “Mallakastra Regional Archaeological
Project” (MRAP), Institute of Archaeology, Tirana and University of
Cincinnati, USA, Co-director Prof. Jack Davis.
2004-2006 Scientific Consultant of the “Lofkend Tumulus”
Project, Institute of Archaeology, Tirana, International Center for Albanian
Archaeology and University of California, Los Angeles, USA, Co-director Prof. J.
2006 Supporter and approving of
the “Urbanistik und
sozio-ökonomische Strukturen einer hellenisti-schen Polis in Illyrien”
Project, Institute of Archaeology, Tirana, Co-director Prof. Ass. G. Hoxha,
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, Germany, Co-director Dr. O. Dally.
2006 Supporter and approving of
the Project “The function
of the theatre in the polis of Apolonia (Illyria) and in its hinterland, Bylis,
Klos and Orikos”, Institute of Archaeology, Tirana, Co-director Prof.
Ass. B. Lahi and the University of Köln, Germany, Co-director Prof. H. von
V. Archaeological Exhibitions abroad
1988 Scientific director of the
exhibition “ALBANIEN.
Schätze aus dem Land der Skipetaren”, Museum of Hildesheim. Organized
under the curation of Mr. Genschner, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of
Germany, and Mr. Malile, Foreign Minister of Socialist Republic of Albania.
2003-2006 Scientific director of the exhibition “DIE ILLYRER”
in Aspern- Vienna, Austria.
2005 Scientific director of the
exhibition “DIE ILLYRER”
in Künzing- Bavaria, Germany and Heuneburg- Bavaria, Germany.
2006 Scientific director of the
exhibition “DIE ILLYRER”
in Stadtmuseum in Wels, Austria.
A liste of the nominee’s most important academic publications
from the last five years
En Überblick über die Wohnsiedlungen des Neolithikums und Chalkolithikums im
Korēa-Becken, Lux Orientis, 2001, S. 257-267.
Epoka neolitike dhe epoka e bronzit, (Neolithic & Bronze Age) “The Balkans in
Prehistory”, Athens 2001, p. 115-123.
Historia e Popullit Shqiptar
(History of Albanian people), publication of the Academy of Science in four
volumes. Author: Illyrians, the communal primitive order,
vol. 1, Tirana 2002, 48 p.; redactor of the first volume and member of the
leader group of the four volumes.
The Hinterlands of Apolonia, “Iliria” 2002-2003, 1-2, Tirana, p.
305-322, (Co-author).
New directions in Albanian Archeology, “Minerva”,
vol. 14, nr. 2, p. 24, march/aprile 2003.
Parailirėt, Ilirėt, Arbėrit-Histori e shkurtėr
(Preillyrians, Illyrians, Arbėrs-A short history), Tirana 2003, 125 p., 24 tabs.
Researches and Studies of Prehistory of Albania, “Recent research in the
Prehistory of the Balkans”, Thessalonike 2003, p. 205-257.
Die illyriche kultur vom 11 bis 6 Albanien. “Die Illyrer”,
Asparn (Viena) 2004, S. 3-20.
Vendbanimet e fortifikuara paraqytetare nė bregdetin e Jonit (The fortified
preurban dwellings in Jon coast), “Himara nė shekuj”, Tirana 2004, p.
Pour une grande histoire des Balkans des origins aux guerres balkaniques,
publication of A.I.E.S.E.E, Paris 2004, 296 p., (co-author of the Illyrian
Zbulime tė reja arkeologjike (New archeological discoveries), “Studia
Albanica”, 2, Tirana 2005, p. 135-245.
Vlera arkeologjike nė veprėn e Shuflait (The archeological value of Sufflay’s
work), “Candavia”, 2,
Tirana 2005, p. 417-432.
The Early Neolithic of Albania in a Balkan prespective, “Quaderni della
Societa per la Preistoria della Regione”, Fruili-Venezia Giulia,
Quad.11.2005, in press.
Early Bronze Age: Milutin Garašanin s’important work and the research of
Albanian Archaeology, “A la mémoire de Milutin Garašanin”, Beograd 2006,
in press.